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SLE BCI 15 SP7 Minimal: Base Container image without Zypper
This image comes without Zypper, but it does have the RPM package manager installed. While RPM can install and remove packages, it lacks support for repositories and automated dependency resolution. It is therefore intended for creating deployment containers, and then installing the desired RPM packages inside the containers.
While you can install the required dependencies, you need to download and resolve them manually. However, this approach is not recommended as it is prone to errors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).
This image is a tech preview. Do not use it for production. Your feedback is welcome. Please report any issues to the SUSE Bugzilla.
Image Data
Last Built: 09 Mar 03:32 UTC
Compressed Size: 16.1 MB
Uncompressed Size: 47.9 MB
Support Level: Techpreview
Supported until: 31 Jul 2031
Release Stage: beta
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