SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 (LTSS) Base Container Image

Image for containers based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5.

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SLE 15 SP5 LTSS Base Container Image

Support LevelAccess Protected Long Term Service Pack Support SLSA Provenance: Available


SUSE Linux Enterprise Base Container Images (SLE BCI) provide open, flexible, and secure container images. The images include container environments based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and are available at no cost, they can be freely re-distributed, and they are supported across different environments.

The Base Container Image is an image used as a foundation for most SLE BCIs. The image is intended to be extended for further use, such as a development or a testing environment.


The container image comes with the zypper package manager and the container-suseconnect utility. This allows you to access the full SLE repositories with a valid SLE subscription. The image is designed to be extended by installing packages required for your specific scenario.

To build a custom image using a Containerfile that includes the skopeo utility, create the following Containerfile:

RUN set -euo pipefail; \
    zypper -n ref; \
    zypper -n in skopeo; \
    zypper -n clean; \
    rm -rf /var/log/{lastlog,tallylog,zypper.log,zypp/history,YaST2}

Then build the container using buildah:

buildah bud -t bci-skopeo .

The image can also be used interactively to create a container with skopeo installed in it:

$ podman run -ti --rm
# zypper -n in skopeo
# skopeo inspect -f "{{ .Name }}" docker://

Getting access to the SLE repositories

The container-suseconnect utility in the image can automatically add the full SUSE Linux Enterprise repositories into the running container if you have a valid SLE subscription.

Find more information about container-suseconnect in the container-suseconnect section in the container guide or in the tutorial How to use container-suseconnect.


SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

Please report any issues to the SUSE Bugzilla.

  • Image Data

    Last Built: 11 Mar 12:45 UTC

    Compressed Size: 48.6 MB

    Uncompressed Size: 125.6 MB

    Support Level: L3

  • Health Index

    No vulnerabilities found

    Last Scan:

    2 days ago