SLE BCI 15 SP6 Micro

A micro environment for containers based on the SLE Base Container Image.

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SLE BCI 15 SP6 Micro: Suitable for deploying static binaries

Redistributable SLSA Provenance: Available


This image is similar to Minimal but without the RPM package manager. The primary use case for the image is deploying static binaries produced externally or during multi-stage builds. As there is no straightforward way to install additional dependencies inside the container image, we recommend deploying a project using the Minimal image only when the final build artifact bundles all dependencies and has no external runtime requirements (like Python or Ruby).


SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

This image is based on SLE BCI, a stable and redistributable foundation for software innovation. SLE BCI is enterprise-ready, and it comes with an option for support.

See the SLE BCI EULA for further information.

  • Image Data

    Last Built: 17 Jul 08:16 UTC

    Size: 9.9 MB

    Support Level: L3

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    4 days ago