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The PHP Apache 8 container image
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language used primarily for server-side web development. It can be used directly, embedded in HTML files, or executed via a server-side Apache2 module or CGI scripts.
How to use the image
The image ships with the Apache web server and the mod_php
To deploy an application, copy its sources into the htdocs folder
(this directory is the WORKDIR
of the container image):
RUN set -eux; \
zypper -n in $my_dependencies; \
# additional setup steps
# Copy the app into the Apache2 document root
COPY app/ .
Build the image and run the resulting container:
$ buildah bud -t my-app .
$ podman run -d -p 8080:80 my-app
Alternatively, you can mount the application's source code directly into the container:
$ podman run -d -p 8080:80 -v ./app/:/srv/www/htdocs:Z
How to install PHP extensions
PHP extensions must be installed using the zypper
package manager. PHP
extensions are named using the php8-$extension_name
and they can be installed as follows:
RUN zypper -n in php8-gd php8-intl
Alternatively, you can use the docker-php-ext-install
script. It is provided
for compatibility with the PHP DockerHub Image
but it uses zypper to install the extensions from RPMs. It is provided for
compatibility reasons and can be used similar to the script from PHP DockerHub
RUN docker-php-ext-install gd intl
How to install PECL extensions
PECL is a package repository hosting PHP extensions. It can be used as an alternative source to obtain PHP extensions, but without any guarantee of interoperability with this image and without any official support.
Install PECL extensions as follows:
RUN set -euo pipefail; \
zypper -n in $PHPIZE_DEPS php8-pecl; \
pecl install APCu-5.1.21;
Note: Building an extension may require installing its dependencies first.
Compatibility with the DockerHub Image
The following scripts ship with the image to keep it compatible with the
DockerHub image: docker-php-source
, docker-php-ext-configure
, and docker-php-ext-install
The script docker-php-ext-install
performs an actual job, all others are
just no-operation scripts for interoperability.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).
This image is based on SLE BCI, a stable and redistributable foundation for software innovation. SLE BCI is enterprise-ready, and it comes with an option for support.
See the SLE BCI EULA for further information.
Image Data
Last Built: 03 Mar 09:39 UTC
Compressed Size: 59.3 MB
Uncompressed Size: 165.8 MB
Support Level: L3
Health Index
ANo vulnerabilities found
Last Scan:
9 days ago