NGINX open source all-in-one load balancer, content cache and web server based on the SLE Base Container Image.

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NGINX container image

SLSA Provenance: Available


nginx (pronounced engine-x) is an open-source reverse proxy server for the HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols. nginx can also act as a load balancer, HTTP cache, and a web server (origin server).


By default, the image launches nginx with the same configuration that comes with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

$ podman run -it --rm -p 8080:80


$ podman run -it --rm -p 8080:80 -v /path/to/html/:/srv/www/htdocs/:Z

Note: The directory /srv/www/htdocs/ is the root directory used by the default server. Additional servers can use any other path.

You can access the served content on http://localhost:8080 or http://host-ip:8080.

Using templates

By default, nginx doesn't support environment variables inside configuration blocks. This image includes a script that can extract environment variables before nginx creates configuration files.

The script reads .template files stored in /etc/nginx/templates/ and saves the result of the envsubst command to the directory /etc/nginx/conf.d/.

For example, if you want nginx to use port 80, create a file named /etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template containing the following variable definition:

listen  ${NGINX_PORT};

The template above is then rendered to /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf as follows:

listen  80;

Environment variables


This optional environment variable controls the logging during container startup. Set the value to 1 to silence logs.


This optional environment variable enables a script to autotune the number of worker processes. Set the value to 1 to enable autotune of the worker process parameter (default is disabled).


This optional environment variable specifies a directory containing template files (default is /etc/nginx/templates).

Note: The script ignores template processing if this directory doesn't exist


This optional environment variable specifies a directory for storing results of running envsubst on templates (default is /etc/nginx/conf.d).

The output filename is the template filename with the suffix .template removed.

Note: Modifying this variable also requires changing the nginx.conf, so it recognizes the new directory location.


This optional environment variable changes the suffix of template files (default is .template).

Note: The script only processes files that have the specified suffix in their names.


This optional environment variable enables filtering out variables in the template processing. Environment variables that do not match the regular expression defined by NGINX_ENVSUBST_FILTER are not replaced.

Configuration scripts

To use scripts to perform configuration actions, add one or more *.envsh or *.sh scripts under /docker-entrypoint.d/. Any executable *.envsh or *.sh script found in the directory is executed before starting the service, which can be used to perform further configuration steps.

Currently, the container image ships with the following helper scripts:

  • - Enables the use of environment variables in templates.
  • - Enables autotuning the number of worker processes.

Warning: The container startup is aborted if any of the scripts exits with an error.


SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

This image is based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, a reliable, secure, and scalable server operating system built to power mission-critical workloads in physical and virtual environments.

  • Image Data

    Last Built: 23 Sep 18:52 UTC

    Compressed Size: 62.7 MB

    Uncompressed Size: 183.9 MB

    Support Level: L3

  • Health Index

    No vulnerabilities found

    Last Scan:

    3 days ago